
The Written Word

Here you will find information about some of my writing projects. 

Friendship of the Wind

Could different animals be friends?
What about Bears and Hedgehogs?
They are very different in lots of ways.
Could they put aside their differences?
Could they learn that they have lots of things in common?
And could Bears and Hedgehogs find that 'common ground' and become friends?
Perhaps all they need is a little help from an outside force.

Currently available of Amazon here

Get Set, Get On, Get In: A Guide to the Independent Secondary School Admissions Process

FOURTH EDITION: For many parents (and for their children), the transition from a little primary school to a large secondary school is hard enough, but once you consider an Independent Education for your child, the whole admissions process can become a minefield. As a teacher with eighteen years of experience in preparing pupils for the 11+, both in London and the south east, S A Harris has helped many parents over the years (as well as their children) to navigate these bumpy waters successfully. Now, he has put this advice down on paper, as an aide memoire to all those parents (whether they have children at his current school or not) who are preparing to travel down this route.

Currently available of Amazon here

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